This chunky kajal crayon will put your mind at ease if your biggest fear is a freak eyeliner accident that results in a slip and a poke. The shape of the liner makes it easier to grip, hold, and control than skinnier versions, and the formula housed inside has a melting quality so it the doesn’t drag while you swipe. MAC KAJAL CRAYON - Eyeliner - masala/marrone a CHF 25.00 Ordina senza spese di spedizione su Zalando. LONG LASTING EYESHADOW STICK - Ombretto - 38. Define your eyes with MAC eye shadows and eyeshadow palettes, featuring lush textures and lasting, blendable formulas. Free shipping on over 100 eye shades. MAC Flourish Me Bold Kajal Crayon ($18.00 for 0.05 oz.) is a bright, medium-dark cobalt blue with cool undertones and barely-there sheen. It had mostly opaque pigmentation in.
Don’t you just hate it when your favorite eyeliner or lip liner dries up and becomes very difficult to apply? I know the feeling! It has happened to me many a times! The only option for most of us is to just throw them away sad reality of the makeup world. Or is it? Do you really need to throw away your favorite lip or eye pencil just because they have become dry? Not really! You can actually use them like before with the help of a simple trick! And that’s exactly what we are going to learn to do today!
Bring out all those pencils you were planning to dump in the dustbin. It’s time we gave them a new lease of life!
Products Required:
Let’s have a look at the products that you need to revive your dried and lip pencils:
- Sharpener
- Vaseline
- Candle
- Lip liner
- Eye liner
How To Revive Dried Lip Liners:
Follow the steps to revive the dried lip liners:
Step 1:
Take your dried lip liners and sharpen them with a sharpener. You needn’t sharpen layers after layers but just give a full twist to remove the topmost dried layer of the formula. If the lip liner starts melting or turns creamy just after sharpening, you have already revived the lip pencil with this step itself. Once the top layer is gone, put it into the freezer for good 5 to 10 minutes to cool down and stop melting of the product.
Step 2:
If your lip pencil still feels dry, you can go ahead with two more steps. Place the tip of the sharpened lip pencil on your index finger and rub it by twisting it in circular motions. You can also place the topmost part of the pencil between your palms and rub it rigorously to warm up the product.
Step 3:
Then, take a very small amount of Vaseline in a thin brush. Now coat a very thin layer of Vaseline over your lip pencil to hydrate the formula itself and remove further dryness. Leave the lip pencil to soak up the Vaseline for good 5 to 10 minutes and then you can go ahead and use it. If you apply a bit too much of Vaseline, your lip pencil will tend to smear after application. So, always remember to wipe the tip after applying Vaseline lightly and then apply it on your lips or tab tissue paper over your lips after application to absorb the excess greasiness and oil.
How To Revive Dried Eye Liners?
Follow the steps to revive the dried eyeliners:
Mac Kajal Sticks
Step 1:
Reviving dried eye pencils is really easy and simple. Place the tip of the eye pencil near the candle flame for good 1 or 2 seconds and then remove it from the flame. I recommend doing this trick with a candle as the heat will be lighter than stove flames. After holding it for a second you might notice that the product has turned very creamy and soft. Do not hold the eye pencil very close to the candle flame and also not hold it for more than 2 seconds.
Step 2:
Then, place the eye pencil in a tissue paper to remove the excess melted formula. Test the warmth of the kajal or eye pencil before directly applying it on your eyes. And you are done!
If you have eye kajals in pot form and are wondering how to revive them, then all you would have to do is mix a tiny amount of Vaseline with this formula. You will instantly notice the formula becoming creamy and soft.
Here, I have swatched the before and after pictures of the eye and lip pencil to show how creamy and pigmented the formulas have turned out to be—a new lease of life, as I said before! So, grab your dried lip and eye pencils and try these tricks. Why throw away a perfectly good eye or lip pencil? With this trick you will not only be able to use your favorite makeup product again, but will also save money! That’s music to your ears, right?
So, what do you do with your dried out lip and eye pencil? Share with us in the comments section below.
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