Sony has updated the Remote Play feature by giving players the option of using the PS4 console to stream PS5 games. Remote Play also allows you to access the PS5 from not only the PS4, but other devices like PC or a mobile. Sony's FAQ didn't mention PS Vita, so it remains to be seen if you can also connect to the PS5 using Sony's hand-held device.
借助 PS Remote Play应用程序,您可以从不同位置使用兼容设备控制您的PlayStation®5主机或PlayStation®4主机。 例如,您可以使用其他房间的电脑或在外出时使用智能手机. 来畅玩PS5™和PS4™游戏。. 您无法通过移动设备的蜂窝数据网络使用远程游玩。需要高速Wi-Fi. If you're a PS4 owner, a mysterious icon popped up today on the dashboard. Ben takes a look at what it can do, and gives you a brief tutorial on how to use.
Ps4 Controller Ps5 Games
Sony has updated the Remote Play feature by giving players the option of using the PS4 console to stream PS5 games. Remote Play also allows you to access the PS5 from not only the PS4, but other.
The ability to stream PS5 games using the PS4 console could be useful, depending on the setup. If you own both generations of consoles, the PS4 could go in one place, the PS5 in another, and you could access PS5 games anytime from the PS4 using Remote Play. But considering that a lot of PS4 games will be backwards compatible on PS5--so you could just play both PS4 and PS5 games on the PS5--this new Remote Play feature between PS4 and PS5 might be underutilized.
Sony also added support for three additional players in Remote Play sessions, increasing the possibilities of local multiplayer sessions. With these new additions, it's apparent that Sony will continue to push the Remote Play feature and encourage players to utilize it. Remote Play started with the PS4 and freed players from only having to play their games in the living room, or wherever their console was located. Players could access their PS4 from computer, mobile device, PlayStation Vita, or even another TV in the house.
The PlayStation 5 releases on November 12. If you're curious about the console's hands-on impressions, check out our PlayStation 5 review to see what we thought of the next-generation console. Mat Paget, GameSpot's reviewer, commented, 'At launch the PS5 is an excellent console that paves the way for a promising future where gaming experiences can evolve in interesting ways and the process of experiencing them is streamlined. Its custom SSD, unique DualSense controller, and powerful specs draw a distinct line between last generation and the next...And even though its backwards compatibility implementation isn't perfect, it's still exciting to know that I can play most of my PS4 library on this new console with few if any issues--I even tested Guitar Hero Live, which works very well.'
If you haven't nabbed a console yet and want to, take a look at our PlayStation 5 preorder guide.

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