Process Data Faster With Weka, For Free! Weka is a powerful data mining application that can help you understand acquired data better. The app features powerful data analysis tools that can be used to extract information and develop new machine learning schemes. All in all, the app is an excellent tool for data analysis.
Weka for Mac 16,006 downloads Updated: September 5, 2018 GPL 3.6/5 11 Use machine learning algorithms to visualize and process data in order to solve real-world data mining tasks via an. On Mac computers, you can open a Terminal window and run the command “java -version”, which will return the Java version installed. If you don’t have Java installed, then you can select a Weka package that includes Java, and the installation of Weka will also include an installation of Java on your computer.
There are two versions of Weka: Weka 3.8 is the latest stable versionand Weka 3.9 is the development version. New releases of these two versionsare normally made once or twice a year. For the bleeding edge, it isalso possible to download nightly snapshots of these two versions.

Archeage for mac os. The stable version receives only bug fixes and feature upgrades thatdo not break compatibility with its earlier releases, while thedevelopment version may receive new features that break compatibilitywith its earlier releases.
Ran online for mac. Weka 3.8 and 3.9 feature a package management system that makes iteasy for the Weka community to add new functionality to Weka. Thepackage management system requires an internet connection in order todownload and install packages.
Every night, a snapshot of the Subversion repository with the Wekasource code is taken, compiled, and put together in ZIP files. Thishappens for both the development branch of the software and the stablebranch. Those who want the latest bug fixes before the next officialrelease is made can download thesesnapshots.
Weka 3.8 is the latest stable version of Weka. This branch of Wekaonly receives bug fixes and upgrades that do not break compatibilitywith earlier 3.8 releases, although major new features may becomeavailable in packages. There are different options for downloadingand installing it on your system:
- Clickhereto download a self-extracting executable for 64-bit Windows thatincludes Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 (weka-3-8-5-azul-zulu-windows.exe; 124.6 MB)
This executable will install Weka in your Program Menu. Launching via the ProgramMenu or shortcuts will automatically use the included JVM to run Weka.
Mac OS - Intel processors
- Clickhereto download a disk image for Mac OS that contains aMac application including Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 for Intel Macs.(weka-3-8-5-azul-zulu-osx.dmg; 151.8 MB)
Mac OS - ARM processors
- Clickhereto download a disk image for Mac OS that contains aMac application including Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 for ARM Macs.(weka-3-8-5-azul-zulu-arm-osx.dmg; 144 MB)
- Clickhereto download a zip archive for Linux that includes Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11(; 137.4 MB)
First unzip the the zip file. This will create a new directory calledweka-3-8-5. To run Weka, change into that directory and type
Other platforms
- Click here to download a zip archive containing Weka (; 55.4 MB)
First unzip the zip file. This will create a new directory calledweka-3-8-5. To run Weka, change into that directory and type

Note that Java needs to be installed on your system for this towork. Also note that using -jar
will override your currentCLASSPATH variable and only use the weka.jar
This is the main development trunk of Weka and continues from the stable Weka 3.8 code line. Itmay receive new features that break backwards compatibility.
- Clickhereto download a self-extracting executable for 64-bit Windows thatincludes Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 (weka-3-9-5-azul-zulu-windows.exe; 124.4 MB)
This executable will install Weka in your Program Menu. Launching via the ProgramMenu or shortcuts will automatically use the included JVM to run Weka.
Mac OS - Intel processors
- Clickhereto download a disk image for Mac OS that contains aMac application including Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 for Intel Macs.(weka-3-9-5-azul-zulu-osx.dmg; 151.6 MB)
Mac OS - ARM processors
- Clickhereto download a disk image for Mac OS that contains aMac application including Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11 for ARM Macs.(weka-3-9-5-azul-zulu-arm-osx.dmg; 145 MB)

- Clickhereto download a zip archive for Linux that includes Azul's 64-bit OpenJDK Java VM 11(; 137.2 MB)
First unzip the the zip file. This will create a new directory calledweka-3-9-5. To run Weka, change into that directory and type

Other platforms
Weka App For Mac
- Click here to download a zip archive containing Weka (; 55.2 MB)
First unzip the zip file. This will create a new directory calledweka-3-9-5. To run Weka, change into that directory and type
Note that Java needs to be installed on your system for this towork. Also note, that using -jar
will override your currentCLASSPATH variable and only use the weka.jar
All old versions of Weka are available from the Sourceforgewebsite.
Download Weka For Macbook Air
Upgrading from Weka 3.7
Download Weka For Mac
In case you are upgrading an existing Weka 3.7 installation, if theWeka 3.8 package manager does not start up, please delete the fileinstalledPackageCache.ser
in the packages
folder that resides inthe wekafiles
folder in your user home. Also, serialized Weka modelscreated in 3.7 are incompatible with 3.8. The modelmigratortool can migrate some models to 3.8 (a knownexception is RandomForest). Usage is as follows: