XML Nanny

Software can support or be aware of XML Schema in a variety ofways. XML Schema 1.0 defines conformance only for the class ofschema-based validators; this may change in XML Schema 1.1.

Note that a great deal of software for editing and using Web Services whose interfacesare defined with WSDL implicitly handles XML Schemas to describe the structure ofinput message types and output message types from operations provided by those Web Services.

Xml Nanny free download - XML Viewer, DriveImage XML, Free XML Editor, and many more programs. XML Nanny is a graphical tool for checking XML documents for well- formedness or validity against a DTD or W3C XML Schema. XML Nanny can validate documents either locally or over the network. XML Notepad provides a simple intuitive User Interface for browsing and editing XML documents. XML Notepad is the result of a promise Chris Lovett made to a friend at Microsoft. The original XML Notepad shipped in back in 1998, written by Murray Low in C.

[Included below are some packages listed on the public XML Schema page.It would be highly desirable to have short essays (in this page or onseparate pages) on each major class of software.]

Schema-based validators and general toolkits

These tools perform what the spec refers to as 'schema-validity assessment'.(The spec avoids the term 'validation' on the grounds that that term iseffectively reserved for DTD-based validation.)

Some of these are effectively front ends to engines also availableindependently; since not all vendors go into detail about whether theyhave implemented their own validator or licensed one from elsewhere,no attempt has been made to distinguish these cases.

  • Apache XML::Xerces (Perl wrapper for Xerces-C)
    • MSXML,
  • Syntext XSV (N.B. this
  • XML::Schema::Validate (Perl
  • XSV by Henry Thompson (not to be confused
  • XML Nanny by Todd Ditchendorf (GUI XML validator for OS X)

Acronis disk director suite for mac. Some tools listed elsewhere (e.g. the editors and the XQuery and XSLTengines) will also support validation when requested in the relevantcontext.

There are Web interfaces to at least two validation servers:

Schema-aware XML editors and editing tools

This list is almost certainly not complete.

Generators of XML Schemas from UML, MOF, EMOF

  • Sparx XSD Generation (generates XSD from UML)

Generators of XML Schemas from Relational Database Schemas


To be supplied.

Generators of XML Schemas from RDF Schemas or OWL Ontologies

To be supplied.

Data binding tools

These are tools for mapping from XML to programming-language datastructures or objects, and vice versa; those listed here take schemasinto account. Frequently they generate class shells from a schema,or vice versa.

  • Eclipse Modeling Framework provides data binding services between Java programs and XML data they process
  • JaxB (reference implementation in the Java Web Services Developers Pack)
  • JaxMe (Apache implementation of JaxB)
  • Rogue Wave LEIF (Lightweight
  • SchemaWare has tools for a variety of

See also Ron Bourret'sXML Data Binding Resources page.

Form generators

Xml Any Element

Generation of HTML forms or XForms to 'fill in the blanks' of a document.


Generators of UML, MOF, EMOF from XML Schema

  • Eclipse Modeling Framework utilities can be used to build an eCore representation (very close to OMG's EMOF) from an XML Schema, which it does by making use of Eclipse XML Schema Infoset Model.

To be supplied.

XML Nanny

Generators of Relational Database Schemas from XML Schemas

To be supplied.

Generators of RDF Schemas or OWL Ontologies from XML Schemas

To be supplied.

Schema-writing and maintenance tools

  • GEFEG EDIFIX (tool for EDI work)
  • KLEEN (Eclipse plug-in for asset-oriented modeling)
  • IBM Rational Software Architect includes an XML Schema editor
  • Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project will include an XML Schema editor

Some data binding tools also have tools to read a set of class declarationsand generate an XML Schema document.

Schema induction tools

Some tools listed elsewhere can also generate schemas from XML instances. Winbox for mac os x.

Xml Any

Schema conversion

Xml Anyconnect Profile

  • Sparx XSD Generation (generates XSD from UML)

Tools for exploring or displaying information about schemas

Some of these are interactive tools for browsing schema documents; othersgenerate HTML from schema documents, in the expectation that the only browseryou want to use is your Web browser.

Schema version n+1 vs version n difference visualizers

To be supplied.

Schema analyzers

Schema-aware XSLT and XQuery engines


Xml Nanny Download

  • Utilities from schemaValid.com
  • Eclipse XML Schema Infoset Model is a library which allows Java programmers to construct, manipulate or navigate through Java objects corresponding to a W3C XML Schema, as well as serialize or deserialize schemas stored in one or more XML Schema documents. It can be used inside Eclipse or outside of Eclipse.

Xml Anyuri

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