How to use the Visual Studio IDE to create projects, edit code, link to libraries, compile, debug, create unit tests, do static analysis, deploy, and more. Projects and build systems How to create and configure Visual Studio C projects, CMake projects, and other kinds of.

VisualAge is a family of computer integrated development environments from IBM, which supports multiple programming languages.VisualAge was first released in October 1993 and was discontinued April 30, 2007 and its web page removed in September 2011. Here is a straightforward tutorial on how to install Visual Studio 2019 Community onto Windows 10. Visual Studio 2019 is probably the best IDE ever for C# devs. C/C Visual C Support is available. Click Close button. C 32-bit HelloWorld project with Microsoft Visual C toolchain in Eclipse IDE. Eclipse IDE for Java developers in Windows 10 is used for this project. Launch Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Select File menu, then New, finally C/C Project. New C/C Project panel appears.
Matt Godbolt
Compiler Explorer
CLion takes a lot of the toil out of C++, allowing me to concentrate on the interesting part: problem solving.
CLion takes a lot of the toil out of C++, allowing me to concentrate on the interesting part: problem solving.
A power tool
for a power language
Who wouldn’t like to code at the speed of thought while the IDE does all the mundane development tasks for them? But is that really possible for a tricky language like C++, what with its modern standards and heavily templated libraries? Why, yes, yes it is! See it to believe it.
Smart C and C++ editor
Code assistance
Read and write code effectively with an editor that deeply understands C and C++. Have completion results filtered by type in Smart Completion. Use Breadcrumbs to track your location inside the hierarchy of scopes. Gain insight into function calls thanks to parameter name hints. Find the context usages of a symbol or simply jump to it by typing its name. CLion will even make sure your code conforms to coding guidelines, including formatting, naming, and more.
Code generation
Generate tons of boilerplate code instantly. Override and implement functions with simple shortcuts. Generate constructors and destructors, getters and setters, and equality, relational, and stream output operators. Wrap a block of code with a statement, or generate a declaration from a usage. Create custom live templates to reuse typical code blocks across your code base to save time and maintain a consistent style.
Safe refactoring
Rename symbols; inline a function, variable, or macro; move members through the hierarchy; change function signatures; and extract functions, variables, parameters, or a typedef. Whichever automated refactoring you use, rest assured CLion will safely propagate the appropriate changes throughout your code.
Quick Documentation
Inspect the code under the caret to learn just about anything: function signature details, review comments, preview Doxygen-style documentation, check out the inferred type for symbols lacking explicit types, and even see properly formatted final macro replacements.
Code analysis on the fly
Create code that's beautiful and correct. With CLion, potential code issues are detected instantly, as you type...
...and can be fixed at the touch of a button, while the IDE correctly handles the changes.
CLion runs its code analysis, Data Flow Analysis, other Clangd-based checks, and Clang-Tidy to detect unused and unreachable code, dangling pointers, missing type casts, no matching function overload, and many other issues.
Integrated debugger

Investigate and solve problems with ease in CLion's friendly debugger, with GDB or LLDB available as the backend.
Attach to local processes or debug remotely. For embedded development, rely on OpenOCD and Embedded GDB Server configurations to do on-chip debugging with CLion.
Dive deeper with disassembly and memory views, and peripheral view for embedded devices.
Set breakpoints
Use line, symbol, exception, and conditional breakpoints to inspect your code’s execution. Log the events, remove breakpoints once hit, or disable them until another one is hit. All of this can be configured in a dedicated dialog.
Evaluate expressions
Make use of the Watches and the Variables views, or evaluate the result of a function call or some complicated expression when stopping at some execution point.
View values inline
Get a full view of your project with variables’ values shown right in the editor as you debug – with no need to switch to the Variables tab in the Debug tool window!
Fully Integrated C/C++ Development Environment
Project models

CLion uses the project model to inform its coding assistance, refactoring, coding style consistency, and other smart actions in the editor. Supported formats include CMake, Makefile, Gradle, and compilation database.
Keyboard-centric approach
To help you focus on code and raise your productivity, CLion has handy keyboard shortcuts for nearly all its features, actions, and commands.
Vim fans are welcome to install the Vim-emulation plugin.
Local and remote work
With an embedded terminal, run any command without leaving the IDE, locally or remotely using the SSH protocol.
After editing your code locally, build, run, or debug your application or unit tests locally, remotely, or on a chip.
Everything you need in one place
CLion includes all the essentials of everyday development: VCS (SVN, Git, GitHub, Mercurial, Perforce), Google Test, Catch and Boost.Test frameworks for unit testing, Doxygen, Database tools, and Markdown support.
What’s New in CLion 2021.1
Code analysis
You can count on CLion for the continuous analysis of your entire code base. It offers extended support for MISRA C and C++, Global Data Flow Analysis to help you catch dangling pointers, unreachable code, and other potential issues inside translation units, and Clazy analyzer integration for Qt projects.
Postfix completion
A new postfix completion for C and C++ in CLion lets you add code around an expression you’ve just typed. It can wrap an expression with a frequently used language construct, or pass the expression as the first argument of a free function.
Project models
To be more consistent across all toolchains, project models, and configurations, CLion 2021.1 introduces initial support for remote Makefile projects, enables dynamic analysis tools in remote mode, bundles CMake 3.19, and gives you the ability to share CMake Profiles in VCS.
What our customers say
Jason Turner
C++ Weekly, CppCast, Trainer, Consultant'CLion has been indispensable for me when refactoring large codebases. The refactoring tools and the real-time feedback in the IDE about which lines still need to be updated are excellent time savers. Each release gets better and more responsive than the last!'
'CLion is fantastic, finally the C++ high quality cross-platform IDE with CMake as first class build system we were waiting for.'
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'CLion’s powerful refactoring and code model that understands dependencies between items have already changed my software design process. One can dig out quite a bunch of bugs even before running the application.'
'Both of these tools (CLion and Rider) help our team on a daily basis, allowing developers to perform their tasks quickly and efficiently, all the while seamlessly integrating with numerous parts of our pipeline.'
Visual C++ Ide For Linux
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